Changing the Font for Your FAQ

Re:amaze allows you to change the font used in your FAQ articles. You can use standard fonts or custom fonts.

To change your font, go to Settings > Brands > Help Site Appearance Settings.


On this page, scroll down to the "Body and Articles Styling" section and provide the font you want to use. Here you can add a font to be used in the body of your FAQ as well as a font for article titles.

It's important to note that if a font name contains multiple words and spaces, you will need to put quotes around the font name (example below). Additionally, you can add fallback fonts that will be used if a font isn't supported on the customer's end. Make sure that your fonts are comma separated.


Click "Update Brand" once you're done.

Custom Fonts

Custom fonts can also be used, however, only web fonts will work. To use a custom font, you will need the font file reference, which you can retrieve from either Google or Adobe.

Once you have your customer font file reference, you will need to add it as a custom meta tag in order for your custom font to load properly. You can add custom meta tags by going to Settings > Brands > See all settings > Custom CSS and Meta Headers. Here you can insert the font file reference under the "Meta" section.


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